Hi! I’m Azka, a junior in highschool, and this is my personal website.
Here are some facts about me:
- I’m a Libra.
My personality is INFP, which means I tend to be creative,
compassionate, and perceptive of the world.
- My Harry Potter house is Ravenclaw.
- My current favorite music band is BTS.
- My favorite number is 7.
I can speak fluent English, pretty good Urdu, and okay-ish Arabic.
- I’m a plant, succulent, and tea person.
- I’m a cat mom.
- Calm + wild + friendly + humble
- My go-to starbucks order is the Java Chip Frappuccino.
I like drawing and painting, even though I’m pretty bad at both.
I love reading-- you can always catch me in the midst of a good book.
I have a strong passion for baking, even though I don’t like sweets.
My fashion staples include statement earrings + a bold eye-look, + a
flower crown to top it off.
I'm pretty new to the wide world of computer science, but I look
forward to learning more about coding and using it to make a
difference in the world!